The origin of plant mom

It was daunting at first, taking care of living things. In November 2020, almost on impulse, I purchased Burl Max and this tiny pink leaved plant from an IG shop. Another surge of impulse dictated me as I purchase three more plants from Fb shop; a peace lily, two other plants that appeared cute. 

I had no idea what I was doing, exposing them to too much sun, then hiding away when turned yellow. Watering, fertilizing, soil care were out of question since I was such a novice with zero knowledge armed with several experiences of killing cacti. 

Alas, much to no one's surprise I killed them all. All but one. Max was the only one stayed strong to the end. It has been a year plus with max. He had been repotted and been cared for more than others. He was the favourite. He was the green card. From Max I learn that plant do no need water every single day, but misting is a must. Max loves being exposed to the sun and fresh air when the uv index was in acceptable range (6:30 pm to around 11:00 am), and absolutely no direct exposure to the sun. 

Max was thriving and gave myself another shot at being a plant mom. Immersing myself on house plants do's and don'ts, I felt more prepared and more confident than ever. I decided to visit Ikea on November 2021 to purchase the most resilient houseplant of all; Sansevieria Trifasciata (snake plant/devil's tongue). I made space for Nana on my tiny dorm, yes, I named it Nana, and it was almost perfect. Nana was such a low maintenance queen. Still striving to this day.

Jami was a surprise gift I didn't plan for myself during the new year of 2022. Yes, I was researching on Ikea's houseplant for weeks before actually visiting them again, but originally Jami was not the candidate. The candidate range from Monstera to this quirky bonsai plant. In the end, I fell in love with Jami (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) and also because Ikea had limited choice of plants unlike their website promotion. I was satisfied but curious, because Jami is big and still growing, hopefully I could gain enough skills to cater to her needs. 

So yeah, my journey as plant mom starts now I guess. 
Wish me luck. 
