How to Handle Unresolved Anger

It was midnight when I was lurking around reddit, as per usual. I was reading askreddit thread about toxic traits that people have. One of the thread was disclosing how they are angry all the time. It was something that resonated with me for awhile. 

Someone had replied with the most wholesome tips, which I will definitely use for my future sessions. 

There 4 aspects that you could look into;

1) Anger
Know your anger. Identify the triggers, jot down the duration, frequency, intensity, how it started, the process. Be aware of it.

2) Fear
What is the fear relating to this anger?
Eg: I fear being look down on, I fear people view me as snobby, I fear people step all over me, I fear of losing control/power of the situation

3) Grief
What do you grief as you are being angry? 
What is that thing you compromised as you being angry?
Eg: I grief the opportunity to get my point across, I grief the absence of calm, I grief the chance to be approachable, I grief being reasonable

4) Planning
How do you plan to reduce the grief?
How do tou plan to face your fear?
What do you think can be helpful to reduce frequency & intensity of anger? 

All in all, personally I think just going through first step (awareness) can tremendously help to view yourself as the person you are at the moment. As long as you set to be the best version of yourself, everything will come along just as easily. 

And I truly believe this stages can help in various of situations. Be flexible, identify your trait. 
